Stefan Sauermann, Program Director “Master Medical Engineering & eHealth”


Enable seamless and secure access to health information that is usable whenever and wherever needed.


The goal of IHE is to improve the ability of computer systems in healthcare to share information so that all information relevant to a patient's care is available to the patient and the care provider when required. The driving needs for this work include:

  • facilitating the seamless exchange of health information among care providers both within the enterprise and across care settings
  • providing interoperability capabilities to support the deployment of electronic health records in their various national and regional contexts
  • enabling local, national and regional health information networks
  • addressing needs for security and privacy
  • improving the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare workflows
  • and generally removing barriers to safe and optimal patient care

IHE engages developers and users of healthcare IT systems in a collaborative forum for identifying and resolving interoperability problems facing healthcare. IHE promotes and accelerates the coordinated adoption of established standards by creating and maintaining Technical Documents, including implementation guidelines called IHE Profiles, which are published in a set of documents called the IHE Technical Frameworks. IHE encourages harmonization and global adoption of the guidelines by collaborating with national and regional groups. IHE fosters compatible implementations of the Profiles by organizing testing events and associated educational seminars.

Systems that conform to IHE Profiles communicate more effectively, are more easily implemented, and enable efficient, secure access to relevant health information, both within healthcare delivery organizations and between different care settings and administrative entities.

Sources: (Section 2 – Mission)

Last modified: Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 9:49 AM