Stefan Sauermann, Program Director “Master Medical Engineering & eHealth”

Objectives of this course

The goal of the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) community is to improve the ability of computer systems in healthcare to share information so that all information relevant to a patient's care is available to the patient and the care provider when required.

In practice, a lot of knowledge and skills are required when using the IHE methods to solve real world IT integration problems. A lot of implementation projects are under way globally. The “IHE Certified Professional Program” (IHE-CPP) enables you to prove and certify your skills.

This course at Technikum Wien prepares you for the “IHE CPP – IHE Foundations Exam”. 

Target audience

The intended audience is a person with a health IT background with a requirement or an intention to use products based on IHE profiles, either someone (contracted) to work for a healthcare provider organization, or someone employed by a software development company.

A competent IHE Certified Professional – IHE Foundations will be able to apply the IHE methodology (ISO/TR 28380) for developing interoperability specifications for an existing healthcare environment. He or she will have the skills to identify and use the appropriate existing IHE profiles when faced with a healthcare interoperability project.

Learning path

  • The modular structure of the course allows you to build knowledge progressively at a pace that suits you. 
  • Each chapter provides you with a multitude of content, educational videos, and examples. 
  • Quizzes as well as exercises at the end of each module further prepare you for the IHE certification process and let you test your own progress and knowledge comprehension.  
  • A compilation of various useful links lead you to even more detailed information.
  • It takes about four to six days to process all content and work through the exercises.


1. Orientation on the IHE Organization

In order to engage in IHE one must understand the organizational structure and the tasks that each unit performs. This module introduces you to the IHE principles of governance.

2. IHE Methodology

IHE develops Technical Frameworks including integration profiles that define how IT standards are used to share health-related information between IT systems. This module teaches you about the IHE document structures and methods used during the annual IHE review and development cycle.

3. Locate and navigate through IHE resources

IHE offers a large variety of artefacts to be used by the community. This module shows where you can find which information, and how to use it.

4. IHE Example profiles, base standards, general healthcare IT knowledge

IT systems communication using IHE profiles is based on several standards from HL7, DICOM or other Standards Development Organizations. This module provides a general overview about basic technologies, standards and security requirements as they are used in IHE profiles.

5. Accelerate Health Information Exchange Deployment

On top of technical interoperability, legal and organizational issues must be addressed during integration of processes and IT systems. This module demonstrates the “IHE Interoperability Use Case Deployment Methodology” to support real world deployment.

Educational Objectives / Cognitive Knowledge Levels

Each module of the syllabus is assigned a cognitive level. A higher level includes the lower levels. The formulations of the educational objectives are phrased using the verbs “knowing” for level L1 and “mastering and using” for level L2. These two verbs are placeholders for the following verbs:

  • L1 (knowing): enumerate, characterize, recognize, name, reflect
  • L2 (mastering and using): analyze, use, execute, justify, describe, judge, display, design, develop, complete, explain, exemplify, elicit, formulate, identify, interpret, conclude from, assign, differentiate, compare, understand, suggest, summarize

Last modified: Monday, 1 April 2019, 11:00 AM